Europe According to France

Europe According to France

We love maps. But when we travel, we like to keep them in our bag and intentionally get lost. The best experiences come from unexpected situations and encounters (c.f. point 10 of the Manifesto). On the other hand, when we are at home there's no better invitation to let our mind travel than a detailed atlas or a beautiful map. That's why we have decided to publish here our favourite maps every Mondays. Sometimes they will be funny, sometimes they will be useful and sometimes they will just be beautiful.

The maps we have chosen to start with are all at once: extremely well designed, smart and yet very funny. It's the work of the talented Bulgarian designer and illustrator, Yanko Tsvetkov. You might have seen them already because there are quite popular now but we still wanted to share them to show our huge respect to this artist.

Of course, as the main image we have chosen "Europe according to France" that we found very accurate. Some might have suggested to change Italy's "Noisy Friendly People" to "World Cup Stealers" but I like them as they are indeed very friendly.

I'm very impressed by how familiar is the artist with so many cultures, to be able to figured out the right clichés for every country. You can see that on the rest of the maps. We also highly recommend that you check the other works of Yank Tsvetkov if you like well-thought design and beautiful illustrations.

What do you think of those maps and the clichés on it?

World According to USA

The World According to USA

Europe According to Bulgaria

Europe According to Bulgaria

Italy According to Polish

Italy According to Posh Italians