Google Analytics is a wonderful tool that allows you to check everything about people visiting your site. One of the many great features is the mapping tool. Using that option I extracted some cool information about you. When I say you I mean the readership of Hejorama, not you the brilliant and gorgeous person reading this at the moment.


PS: remember to share your cool/fun/interesting maps on Twitter using the hashtag #mondaymaps

The world according to Hejorama. As you can see a lot of the traffic comes from France.
France That's where our French readers live. Apparently there's Internet access outside of Paris, I wasn't aware of that.
USA This is a message for California: we love you too! NY might be our favorite city but as a state CA is the best. We are very sad that no ones reads us in Wyoming, South Dakota and Nebraska though. We might have to organize a trip there and convert people to Hejorama.
Argentina Hello you from Neuquen in the middle of nowhere in Argentina. We'd love to know your thoughts about the Romantic Side of Couchsurfing that you read on our site.
Uganda I won't lie, earlier today I wasn't sure where to exactly locate Uganda. I find it amazing that someone there visited Hejorama. Who are you? Can we please meet?
map-all-dest This is not from Google Analytics but from Hejorama. This map represents all the content that was added by our community since the website was launched. You can access and navigate the content of the map on the community homepage.